My Name is Julian and Like many of you, I watched as the Eaton fires tore through our beloved Altadena community, leaving behind more than just physical destruction. The house where I grew up, my mother's home of over 60 years, was reduced to ashes. My cousins, who lived in our back duplex, lost everything they owned. But what came next was equally devastating: Within days of this tragedy, property vultures began circling our community, trying to profit from our loss.
I'm a born-and-raised Altadenan. This isn't just about property to me – it's about preserving the soul of a community that has been a tapestry of cultures and stories for generations. As a project manager in LA residential development, I understand the tactics developers use. Now, I'm using that insider knowledge to protect our community instead.
The truth is, I'm also an artist at heart – a filmmaker who believes in the power of stories to create change. But right now, the most important story to tell is yours, and ours as a community. When I saw predatory offers landing in the mailboxes of devastated families, I knew we needed to act. This isn't just about my family's loss; it's about protecting the very fabric of Altadena.
This website exists because I refuse to let tragedy become an opportunity for exploitation. It's a hub where neighbors can find resources, support, and the knowledge they need to protect their interests. Every time I see another "cash offer" in a fire victim's mailbox, I'm reminded of why we started this because:
Altadena is not for sale.
Our community's strength lies in its diversity, its history, and most importantly, its people. Together, we can ensure that recovery means rebuilding our community, not selling it off to the highest bidder.